Lots of thoughts have been going through my head recently, since I've had 10 weeks of unemployment and soul-searching trying to imaging what I should do with my life.
One speaker from the SJ Benny
Hinn Conference, Mike Murdock, made a few comments in his sermon but also in his books that I've been reading
reguarding our goal, purpose, "ASSIGNMENT" in life that are really causing me to seek and search to find my place. I'm very selective in who I listen to and what I glean from them to apply to me -- the BIBLE is the firm standard, and how they compare to it is the final authority in my life.
ANY-HOW, two thinks from
MMurd1. Your Assignment should become Your Passion, and Your Passion should consume you and become Your
2. Assignment = there was a problem that GOD saw on Earth, and He Himself personal formed "YOU" (ME) with the gifts, talents, abilities, family situation, background, life experiences, etc so that I could solve the problem.
Just to even think about these things interests and awes me.
I mean, I believe GOD made me... but to delve deeper and to say "O.K. GOD, WHY did you make me?!" (the way you did, when you did, where you did - and where you want me etc.)
Bottom Line: It's not about me.
Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of Man who loved me and gave Himself for me."
SO MUCH in that one verse, and it's been a favorite and memory verse of mine for a while... that's what I love about the WORD, there's so much to it! New insights and points to be discovered every time in every situation, different revelation and understanding to be had!!!
A-H-H!!! I love the WORD of GOD!!!I don't know if I can articulate any more that I'm thinking at the moment.
I'm reading
The Seven Laws of the Learner: How to Teach Almost Anything to Practically Anyone! Just chapter one, and already I've cried, laughed, thought deeply, searched my Bible, and cried "happy tears" some more!!!
Oh LORD, that I would be but an empty
vessle for you to fill anew every minuet of every day...
IMAGE: Clear, Empty, Vase.