Sunday, August 23, 2009

Spanish Genealogy

Showing my ignorance: I thought Spain was hard-core Roman Catholic, since like forever?!

Spehardic = term for Jews from Spain.
((pre-1492 apparently))

But since visiting my congregation and many discussions with other Hispanic Jews, they suggested I look into it.

In a way, this coninsides with my curriculm as well, since in SCI 7 we do genealogies and heredity etc. this could then be considered "prep-work". Too bad I'm not paid by the hours, because I hear this kind of authentic-research takes a long time! ((j/k I know this will totally be a labor of love and "freetime"))

ANYWAY, cool image.

2 The Truth!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Awe-inspiring Day (yesterday)

I don't know if it was any particular thing, but more of just a general greatness...

Just spending time looking at God's Creation... it was amazing.

Reminding me to appreciate it all... little moments and large.

Isaiah 40:8 "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of God endures forever."

Psalm 147:4 "He counts the number of stars and call them each by name."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Washington State 09

Awesome. Restful. Beautiful. Refreshing.

(more to follow)


I'm excited about this new program, HaYesod

When filling out the info form, sharing I'd like to lead a Bible Study of it, one of the questions:
"Share your perspective on the role of Torah"

I answered:
The Bible is Foundational for Life.

Torah is a way of life... not just words on a page, but an example of a life lived fully for the Father. I want to live James 1:22. Jesus (Yeshua) was the prime example of this. He didn't 'bring' a message - he WAS the message! Also, I've been pondering lately, for the larger body, but also refining my own motives and intentions, how can I be an "ambassador for Christ" if I don't spend time getting to know Him, and that in ever increasing amounts with deeper understanding??

Personal God Time D-A-I-L-Y is a must! (Prayer, Confession, Worship, Journaling, Bible Study etc.) I know, that as I get older in the faith (6.5y on 8/9) that it's more imperative that I spend quality time with my Heavenly Father and studying His Instruction and depending more and more on His Spirit to lead and guide my every decision.

Finally, I love the Word because it teaches me more about Him. And I pray that my soul's satisfaction would be found in Him and Him alone -- something that develops over intentional investments of time. To end with John Piper's quote I heard once, "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him." The axiom "YOU may be the only Bible some people ever read" shakes my core. I know that I'm not perfect, but I do strive to be as prepared as possible to give an answer for the hope that I have. And to have an answer, I must go to the source to get it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Throne of Grace

I covet my "Throne Room" times with my brother Nicholas.

There's just something about praying together with him that I can't seem to articulate, but I love being "transported" into the presence of the Father... praying with my siblings in Christ, collectively worshiping His Holy Name =)

"For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears... Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
1 Corinthians 10:9-10,12

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
Hebrews 4:16

"Out from the throne come flashes of lightning and sounds and peals of thunder..."
Revelation 4:5

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New FAV Software


That's all I can say =)

Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.

Friday, July 3, 2009

So Proud of Senetor Menedez

1. Read the short article
2. Watch a 13 min video, but well worth it!
3. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!!!

BTW it reminds me of Stephen in Acts 7 giving the History Lesson =)

logo for FOCUS

I was so excited about this new line of officeness that I didn't post it! ((Ahh... still learning how to post immediately when things happen etc))

FOCUS = Focus On Christ, Understand Scripture

HS gave it to me when I was in church for the 2nd service with Jenn (now @ bootcamp for the Army).

Isaiah 40:8 came when I was thinking of what the focus really is... ie. The Word! and well, what does the word say about the word?? And I really like this statement -- reminding us how fleeting we really are, how this life is, how desires are etc.

Father, bless Your Word! May I hunger and thirst for it deeper and deeper so that You alone may satisfy me completely. "Whom have I in Heaven but You? And whom have I desired on earth besides You?" The cry of my heart, as Moses cried, "SHOW ME YOUR GLORY!!!" That I may dwell forever gazing upon the beauty of my Lord. Amen

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Miracles in the Mundane

I love how God redeems my time =)

That even when watching secular movies, HS will help me glean some insight from that.

The midnight showing of Transformers 2 was thought just to be fun "down-time". But during my God time this morning, talking about "clefts", Exodus 33:18 "show me Your Glory", and Third Day's same titled song... I cam across clefts from Google and found this... STRAIGHT FROM THE MOVIE! But I don't think they ever mentioned that it was called Petra (believed location of the Biblical city of refuge that Believers will retreat to during the Tribulation Revelation 12, "a place prepared by God")

COOLIO! I knew Petra sounded familiar... cleft in the rock, refuge, protection etc.

Hide me in Yourself. Consume all of me, and be the source of all that I am. May I hide in Your strength and be led continually by Your Spirit. TIA! (Thanks In Advance)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Detour Over.

So yeah... I feel like I'm finally back on track.

"Detour Over"
Stupid Free Will and Worldly-distractions!!! Every time I leave, upon return, I always wonder why I left in the first place!
♫"Prone to wander Lord I feel it"... BIND MY HEART TO THEE LORD!!!

I rest in the assurance that God can still redeem the years/months/moments the locus have eaten, and I know He can also work and use everything for His own good... beauty from ashes.

SO watch out:

I am back!

Rom 8:1 I can't change what I did or didn't do.
But I can resolve, to live for God in this moment.
I don't want to say, from now own into forever... but rather, have the continual reminder that I can't be 100% Holy all the time, but I can be 100% Holy in a moment. And one moment plus another plus another...

MacD, are you listening in on my private GT??
*shaking head in amazement* You did say "ONE SPIRIT" didn't you Lord?? So I shouldn't be surprised that what You've given me is being confirmed by others as well =)

LOVE the radio program "Walk in the Word".
Purpose: Igniting Passion in the People of God Through the Proclamation of the Truth.

And then again... essential-ness of the SCRIPTURES and my desire to do anything I can to help increase the Bible Illiteracy that is so prevalent in our society today =(
Seriously Lord, they just must not know how awesome You are and how life-sustaining Your Written Words are and the essentialness they have to our lives as Christians!

I've always thought of Apologetics = "Oh, I'm sorry you don't know... let me tell you!"

Let me live the example, with all of my frailty... but shine in this vessel of clay You've given me, and may my life POINT TO YOU in E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G I do!


Purity: Start Today

The Weekly Walk

At one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.
- Ephesians 5:8

When I think of purity, the craziest thing comes to my mind. I think of maple syrup. As teenagers, my brothers and I helped my grandfather collect sap from maple trees. We'd gather all the pails, take them to the sugar shack, and boil the sap down to make hundreds of gallons of pure maple syrup.

Now, you may think you've tasted pure maple syrup before, but just read the label. If it says, "Contains pure maple syrup," it's not the real thing. You can tell I'm a bit fussy about my syrup even today.

Here's the connection. Whether it's maple syrup or the life of a follower of Jesus Christ, if something else is mixed in, it's not pure.

The apostle Paul laid it out clearly in Romans 12:1-2: "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world [don't mix in anything worldly], but be transformed by the renewal of your mind."

Our personal habits settle down very quickly into how we live. And believe it, God knows. If your life pleases Him, then you're like a fragrant offering rising up to His nose. He breathes in your sacrifice. He receives your life as pure worship.

So where do you stand on the issue of purity? "Well, I'm kind of new in the Lord, and I have some habits." Well, great! Now you know, and you can break them and continue to get free in Christ. You say, "Well, I used to be there, but I've kind of lowered my guard a little bit." Okay - raise it again! Let's be done with anything not fitting God's called-out ones. Holiness means no more games.

Nothing tastes as sweet or smells as fragrant to God as a pure life. If you are willing for God to change you, then get ready to taste and see His goodness as He directs your life to pure living. Life mixed with any of the world's ingredients will never satisfy again. No matter where you are, start today.