I love how God redeems my time =)
That even when watching secular movies, HS will help me glean some insight from that.
The midnight showing of Transformers 2 was thought just to be fun "down-time". But during my God time this morning, talking about "clefts", Exodus 33:18 "show me Your Glory", and Third Day's same titled song... I cam across clefts from Google and found this... STRAIGHT FROM THE MOVIE! But I don't think they ever mentioned that it was called Petra (believed location of the Biblical city of refuge that Believers will retreat to during the Tribulation Revelation 12, "a place prepared by God")
COOLIO! I knew Petra sounded familiar... cleft in the rock, refuge, protection etc.
Hide me in Yourself. Consume all of me, and be the source of all that I am. May I hide in Your strength and be led continually by Your Spirit. TIA! (Thanks In Advance)