I'm excited about this new program,
HaYesodWhen filling out the info form, sharing I'd like to lead a Bible Study of it, one of the questions:
"Share your perspective on the role of Torah"
I answered:
The Bible is Foundational for Life.
Torah is a way of life... not just words on a page, but an example of a life lived fully for the Father. I want to live James 1:22. Jesus (Yeshua) was the prime example of this. He didn't 'bring' a message - he WAS the message! Also, I've been pondering lately, for the larger body, but also refining my own motives and intentions, how can I be an "ambassador for Christ" if I don't spend time getting to know Him, and that in ever increasing amounts with deeper understanding??
Personal God Time D-A-I-L-Y is a must! (Prayer, Confession, Worship, Journaling, Bible Study etc.) I know, that as I get older in the faith (6.5y on 8/9) that it's more imperative that I spend quality time with my Heavenly Father and studying His Instruction and depending more and more on His Spirit to lead and guide my every decision.
Finally, I love the Word because it teaches me more about Him. And I pray that my soul's satisfaction would be found in Him and Him alone -- something that develops over intentional investments of time. To end with John Piper's quote I heard once, "God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him." The axiom "YOU may be the only Bible some people ever read" shakes my core. I know that I'm not perfect, but I do strive to be as prepared as possible to give an answer for the hope that I have. And to have an answer, I must go to the source to get it.