I'm thankful that I know my neighbors in my little complex... Why don't people know their neighbors anymore? How can you live next to someone and not know their names? Who will watch your house when you're out of town? or water your plans when you're gone for winter/summer breaks?!
I remember when we would visit our neighbors houses, eat together, play together, spend the night... yes, I'm older now, but really, why can't we still eat together, or watch TV shows from time to time, or baby sit for each other??
Let me just say, I am thankful that I live where I do.
QUESTION: When was the last time your neighbors hugged you??!
I feel SSOOO loved =)
AND I'm really looking forward to a New Year building into new friendships!
Proverbs 27:10 "Do not forsake your friend and the friend of your father, and do not go to your brother's house when disaster strikes you--better a neighbor nearby than a brother far away."
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Details in Position/Placement
Wherever we are, for whatever reason, God cares about everything our lives...
Today I was reminded that He cares about even where I sit!
Q: Why did I choose an aisle seat in the middle vs. my regular left center position?
A: To reconnect with a brother in the faith, from Virginia, from five years ago!
HOW?? "I saw you worshipping and I was like, I know her!"
HMM... Well, this is not the first time. One of my favorite "spottings" was when I was once IDed in a line to a restaurant in SF from someone from Pasadena and IDed as "you're the girl who worships... from Warehouse right?" It was my first night in SF, and this guy was in town visiting with his brother from Oregon for one night, and it was from three years ago -- AND I didn't even know this guy, never talked to him before! But apparently he knew of & remembered me.
The odds... really?!
(but that's a whole separate issue -- the statistical odds of the "coincidences" in my life)
It just makes me laugh =)
#1. How small the world is
#2. You never know who you'll run across again, at a different season, for a different reason
and #3. It reminds me that people are watching.
There was a lot I got from the sermon, but one of the last things the pastor mentioned in passing was how God cares about the smallest details of our lives.
"There is nothing insignificant about your life... He cares about ALL the details."
I know this.
I've personally experienced God answering prayers that only He could have know about.
I smile, knowingly. Then I start recounting all the times that He's answered me, or blessed me, or worked things out that only He could... "NO ONE can get the credit for what God does."
Q: What do you do when this happens?
Father, thank you for reminding me that even the smallest details of my life are of importance to you, and that you have a plan to use me in multiple capacities - for myself and for others - every single moment of every single day of my life. *deep breath* I release, again, the plan and concerns and worries of my life to you. You've already worked them out anyway, and I have full confidence that your way is better than my own. Please let me continue to grow in my reliance on you and my complete trust that you have my ABSOLUTE BEST in mind -- even when I can't see how it'll work out or when it's something that doesn't quite look like the way others lives are. You made me unique, and desire to be all that you created me to be and nothing less. Continue to go before me HS and orchestrate the details of my life, and lead/guide me every step of the way, so that I will bring MAX GLORY to My Father with all of my life. Amen.
Today I was reminded that He cares about even where I sit!
Q: Why did I choose an aisle seat in the middle vs. my regular left center position?
A: To reconnect with a brother in the faith, from Virginia, from five years ago!
HOW?? "I saw you worshipping and I was like, I know her!"
HMM... Well, this is not the first time. One of my favorite "spottings" was when I was once IDed in a line to a restaurant in SF from someone from Pasadena and IDed as "you're the girl who worships... from Warehouse right?" It was my first night in SF, and this guy was in town visiting with his brother from Oregon for one night, and it was from three years ago -- AND I didn't even know this guy, never talked to him before! But apparently he knew of & remembered me.
The odds... really?!
(but that's a whole separate issue -- the statistical odds of the "coincidences" in my life)
It just makes me laugh =)
#1. How small the world is
#2. You never know who you'll run across again, at a different season, for a different reason
and #3. It reminds me that people are watching.
There was a lot I got from the sermon, but one of the last things the pastor mentioned in passing was how God cares about the smallest details of our lives.
"There is nothing insignificant about your life... He cares about ALL the details."
I know this.
I've personally experienced God answering prayers that only He could have know about.
I smile, knowingly. Then I start recounting all the times that He's answered me, or blessed me, or worked things out that only He could... "NO ONE can get the credit for what God does."
Q: What do you do when this happens?
Father, thank you for reminding me that even the smallest details of my life are of importance to you, and that you have a plan to use me in multiple capacities - for myself and for others - every single moment of every single day of my life. *deep breath* I release, again, the plan and concerns and worries of my life to you. You've already worked them out anyway, and I have full confidence that your way is better than my own. Please let me continue to grow in my reliance on you and my complete trust that you have my ABSOLUTE BEST in mind -- even when I can't see how it'll work out or when it's something that doesn't quite look like the way others lives are. You made me unique, and desire to be all that you created me to be and nothing less. Continue to go before me HS and orchestrate the details of my life, and lead/guide me every step of the way, so that I will bring MAX GLORY to My Father with all of my life. Amen.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A rocky road
Not the ice cream (that I don't like, and can't have now anyway), but I feel like I've just been through a patch of a rocky, brush-filled path. Just getting through... just navigating through the storms, trials, temptations, and struggles. I've been stretched, overwhelmed, overloaded, sleep-lacked, and pushed hard... and yet through it all, I look back and see that God has brought glory to Himself, IN SPITE of my preparation or lack there of!
I think it's important to remember, that this path that we walk isn't always "straight and sunny" but that the dark patches, and the overcastness and the storms and pot-holes are also apart of this life. He said we'd never be alone, He said He'd be by our side, and He also said, "In this world *YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE*"... if He stopped there, I'd be like, thanks Jesus for stating the obvious. But He didn't. The Bible continues... "BUT TAKE HEART! I have overcome this world." (John 16:33)
SO... for me not to be discouraged or saddened by these rocky patches of the road -- that I think are triggered sometimes by the gloomy weather (but that's another story) -- but rather, that I should be excited that He already knew #1. they would happen and #2. that He has a plan for me to learn-teach-share something through this season/set time as well.
*deep breath*
How amazing He is that He works ALL THINGS together for my good!!!
I think it's important to remember, that this path that we walk isn't always "straight and sunny" but that the dark patches, and the overcastness and the storms and pot-holes are also apart of this life. He said we'd never be alone, He said He'd be by our side, and He also said, "In this world *YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE*"... if He stopped there, I'd be like, thanks Jesus for stating the obvious. But He didn't. The Bible continues... "BUT TAKE HEART! I have overcome this world." (John 16:33)
SO... for me not to be discouraged or saddened by these rocky patches of the road -- that I think are triggered sometimes by the gloomy weather (but that's another story) -- but rather, that I should be excited that He already knew #1. they would happen and #2. that He has a plan for me to learn-teach-share something through this season/set time as well.
*deep breath*
How amazing He is that He works ALL THINGS together for my good!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
My Uncle Joel
I love how Uncles have a unique role in our lives.
They're that older male figure that we can share our hearts with and ask questions to. They spend time with us and listen - when we may feel uncomfortable to go directly to Dad. And sometimes, they're just there to be another sounding wall/confirmation of what we already knew we should do (and is usually spot on with what Dad either 1. did tell us already or 2. would have told us if we asked him - which makes sense because they're related).
Uncle Joel is full of ssooo much wisdom! I'm glad when we get to spend time together... despite it being maybe not as much as I'd want from time to time. One of my favorite things about him is that when we're together, it's as if we were never apart. Like, we pick up our conversation right where we left of and just get all caught up to where we are right now! He's a great mentor and friend.
"I foresaw this eventuality"
God, thank You for my family, and for the relationships and connections we have. I pray that You would continue to be glorified through our interactions, and help us to learn from one another and let what we learn be used to help and teach and encourage others! Because we are all "HERE" to be used for YOUR GLORY!!!
They're that older male figure that we can share our hearts with and ask questions to. They spend time with us and listen - when we may feel uncomfortable to go directly to Dad. And sometimes, they're just there to be another sounding wall/confirmation of what we already knew we should do (and is usually spot on with what Dad either 1. did tell us already or 2. would have told us if we asked him - which makes sense because they're related).
Uncle Joel is full of ssooo much wisdom! I'm glad when we get to spend time together... despite it being maybe not as much as I'd want from time to time. One of my favorite things about him is that when we're together, it's as if we were never apart. Like, we pick up our conversation right where we left of and just get all caught up to where we are right now! He's a great mentor and friend.
"I foresaw this eventuality"
God, thank You for my family, and for the relationships and connections we have. I pray that You would continue to be glorified through our interactions, and help us to learn from one another and let what we learn be used to help and teach and encourage others! Because we are all "HERE" to be used for YOUR GLORY!!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
12 weeks
Today, 10/9/10, is my Spiritual Mesaversary.
It has been 7 years and 8 months since I made the decision to follow Jesus Christ with all that I am.
Every month, in celebrating this important date, something is given to me. God somehow spiritually downloads an insight, brings clarity on a long awaited issue or actually gives a material gift.
This month, it's a paradigm shift.
"TEMPLE TIME" has been the code that I've used for my working out. Because I don't want to get caught up in dieting or working out for vain reasons, but more want to make the healthy shift to a "positive lifestyle change". But personally, even that is a little vague for me. I work well with goals and deadlines and expectations clearly identified and articulated.
Stephen Covey's "Begin with the end in mind" has been a guiding mantra since I read it back when I started NROTC in 2003. Spiritualizing the concept makes it even more true I think! SINCE (not if) I'm going to Heaven when I die (whenever that is) and I will see Jesus face to face... how must I live my life now to ensure He recieves maximum glory from my time here on earth??
This is my question, and I pray that my life will answer it well.
There are so many things out of my control in this particular season of my life. I've resigned to not "Worry, Fear or Rush" but rather "Believe, Trust and Wait". In doing these things, I will be focusing on my own "plank" and no one else.
I will be following a strict 12-week program designed to get me in max military shape. Although I'm seriously tempted at times to go back to OCS... I don't think that's where God is calling me. HOWEVER, I can't remember when I had my life in more order than when I was training with the Navy... so I will start that again.
The program can be found here if you'd like to follow along, or keep me accountable.
***Oh gosh... even just writing that sentence and posting the link I feel more responsible and more likely that I'll actually DO it, now that I'd shared it with the WORLD!!!
ASIDE: "Get the PLANK outta here!" is a funny slogan I keep hearing in my head, IDK why, but I'm going to just write it down so I don't forget.
ALSO, I should digitize my journey.
This will be good to keep me accountable and record the + and the - along the way.
ALSO, ALSO, doing it online vs. in my journal will be interesting.
Daddyism "Never forget that we are triune beings."
Incoperating this into the goals...
1- Professional = lesson plans, Gradelink, TYPED everything
2- Professional = Organize in 5" binders: Sci 8, 7, 6 and ALG, preALG and GEOM (ALEKS)
3- Professional Sharing = Tutoring, Mentoring, Inventory Lab & share with the Elementary.
4- Personal Growth = MERIT Mondays (reading 2 articles per week)
5- Graduate School Prep = schools, programs, GRE/CBEST
1- 3 month gift (5ch/3xday)
2- Proverbs (daily)
3- MU (daily)
4- Psalm 119 (daily)
5- 1 Peter (1 verse/week)
1- Morning Push-up to That's My King
2- @WORK: Every 3 hours 10-25-10 & 3P Walk the Hill
3- FIT CAMP M-F, 12 weeks = 60 sessions, GOAL = 100% attendance unless out of town (only Christmas Break)
4- Nightly Prayer Walk & Talk, around @10P
YES = Fruits, Veg, Rice, some wheat, nuts, water
NO = sweets, soda
Hebrews 12:11
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
"Run in such a way to get the prize"
"Everyone who competes goes into strict training"
"I beat my body and make it my slave"
1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
TOMORROW it starts.
The 12-week intensive to jump start a "lifestyle" of premium personal performance for the MAXIMUM GLORY of GOD, My Father.
Week #1, Day #1 = 10/10/10
Today... I'm going to prepare. Go for a run, visit the grocery store, and clean my house. I want everything to be in order today, so that there are no excuses.
GOD, this is for you. It's always been for You.
HS, you have to be my internal motivation. Purify my thoughts and actions, and help me to focus on my "TEMPLE TIME" to make me fit (mentally, physically & spiritually) for whatever you have for the rest of this year, and to start off 2011 "good to go" wherever we're going =)
*SONG* ALL FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR GLORY, Take my life and let it be Yours
Today, 10/9/10, is my Spiritual Mesaversary.
It has been 7 years and 8 months since I made the decision to follow Jesus Christ with all that I am.
Every month, in celebrating this important date, something is given to me. God somehow spiritually downloads an insight, brings clarity on a long awaited issue or actually gives a material gift.
This month, it's a paradigm shift.
"TEMPLE TIME" has been the code that I've used for my working out. Because I don't want to get caught up in dieting or working out for vain reasons, but more want to make the healthy shift to a "positive lifestyle change". But personally, even that is a little vague for me. I work well with goals and deadlines and expectations clearly identified and articulated.
Stephen Covey's "Begin with the end in mind" has been a guiding mantra since I read it back when I started NROTC in 2003. Spiritualizing the concept makes it even more true I think! SINCE (not if) I'm going to Heaven when I die (whenever that is) and I will see Jesus face to face... how must I live my life now to ensure He recieves maximum glory from my time here on earth??
This is my question, and I pray that my life will answer it well.
There are so many things out of my control in this particular season of my life. I've resigned to not "Worry, Fear or Rush" but rather "Believe, Trust and Wait". In doing these things, I will be focusing on my own "plank" and no one else.
I will be following a strict 12-week program designed to get me in max military shape. Although I'm seriously tempted at times to go back to OCS... I don't think that's where God is calling me. HOWEVER, I can't remember when I had my life in more order than when I was training with the Navy... so I will start that again.
The program can be found here if you'd like to follow along, or keep me accountable.
***Oh gosh... even just writing that sentence and posting the link I feel more responsible and more likely that I'll actually DO it, now that I'd shared it with the WORLD!!!
ASIDE: "Get the PLANK outta here!" is a funny slogan I keep hearing in my head, IDK why, but I'm going to just write it down so I don't forget.
ALSO, I should digitize my journey.
This will be good to keep me accountable and record the + and the - along the way.
ALSO, ALSO, doing it online vs. in my journal will be interesting.
Daddyism "Never forget that we are triune beings."
Incoperating this into the goals...
1- Professional = lesson plans, Gradelink, TYPED everything
2- Professional = Organize in 5" binders: Sci 8, 7, 6 and ALG, preALG and GEOM (ALEKS)
3- Professional Sharing = Tutoring, Mentoring, Inventory Lab & share with the Elementary.
4- Personal Growth = MERIT Mondays (reading 2 articles per week)
5- Graduate School Prep = schools, programs, GRE/CBEST
1- 3 month gift (5ch/3xday)
2- Proverbs (daily)
3- MU (daily)
4- Psalm 119 (daily)
5- 1 Peter (1 verse/week)
1- Morning Push-up to That's My King
2- @WORK: Every 3 hours 10-25-10 & 3P Walk the Hill
3- FIT CAMP M-F, 12 weeks = 60 sessions, GOAL = 100% attendance unless out of town (only Christmas Break)
4- Nightly Prayer Walk & Talk, around @10P
YES = Fruits, Veg, Rice, some wheat, nuts, water
NO = sweets, soda
Hebrews 12:11
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
"Run in such a way to get the prize"
"Everyone who competes goes into strict training"
"I beat my body and make it my slave"
1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."
TOMORROW it starts.
The 12-week intensive to jump start a "lifestyle" of premium personal performance for the MAXIMUM GLORY of GOD, My Father.
Week #1, Day #1 = 10/10/10
Today... I'm going to prepare. Go for a run, visit the grocery store, and clean my house. I want everything to be in order today, so that there are no excuses.
GOD, this is for you. It's always been for You.
HS, you have to be my internal motivation. Purify my thoughts and actions, and help me to focus on my "TEMPLE TIME" to make me fit (mentally, physically & spiritually) for whatever you have for the rest of this year, and to start off 2011 "good to go" wherever we're going =)
*SONG* ALL FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR GLORY, Take my life and let it be Yours
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Right Now
Focusing on the moment is easier said than done... and yet, trusting my Father has everything under control is more clearly seen from my actions than my words.
May my trust in Him be clearly seen by how I live my life.
May my trust in Him be clearly seen by how I live my life.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

United In Christ --> SEEK
from my email... at the endish...
WOW, I thought I was done with the email after my T-shirt order... but then I just started writing...
Hopefully knowing a little more to the History/Roots of SEEK will help you treasure it deeply, as I do.
THIS is where the join-worship-venture among the body at UVA began.
From my perspective at least =)
I already felt out of place, being from California and knowing no one... but when I became a believer (2/9/03) I was saddened by the division and disunity I saw... because what I was reading from His Word was speaking of a different kind of community of followers. I remember visiting all the groups every week... I couldn't get enough of the worship and fellowshipping with the body! The newness of Christ, and the sweetness of His Spirit... whether it was my idealistic-nativity or the holy discontentment for 'body dysfunction' He placed in me, my heart was always grieved at the division among the group and the lack of "family"-feeling among the "family of God".
The groups didn't talk to each other, serve together, worship together, visit each other, nothing. My heart was deeply grieved to the point I felt HS (my code name for The Holy Spirit) was proposing to me: What are you going to do about it?!
Prayer was my primary response. And then, as i continued visiting the various groups, I started talked about the idea of join-ventures, visiting each other, serving together etc. I remember so many blank stares, and so much opposition with the mentality "this is the way it's always been done, and this is the way we'll always do it." Maybe... maybe this is why I was saved "later" because I didn't have these barriers or preconceived notions of what was possible/not or what could/couldn't be done etc.
A deep-desire to see unity in the body burned within every part of me...
Did we not all have the same Father God? Lord and Savior? and Holy Spirit living inside of all who believed??
This is a picture I took one of the first times we had UIC/SEEK (I though we had AT LEAST two sessions before I graduated in '06, will need to check the journals for dates etc.).
I remember the exact moment when I took this picture...
...walking into the room with Sue, the IV's pastor's wife, and just slowly looking around the room with amazement and awe!!! I didn't know what to expect on that first night, whether there'd be five, fifteen, or fifty of us... there were close to FIVE HUNDRED!!!
After scanning the audience, and seeing so many sizes, shapes, colors, and hearing the diversity of languages and tones, Revelation 7:9 immediately burned in my heart. I remember looking at her, with tears in my eyes, and saying "This is what Heaven will look like."
((*pause* I'm crying again now even recalling it!))
I have this photo framed in fruit as #1. my kitchen is "fruit of the spirit"-themed and #2. I felt that "united worship" was definitely part of the fruit that God allowed me to bear during my time in Virginia. As it's in my kitchen, I pray for the body at UVA daily... please let me know if there's anything in particular the group, or it's leaders need prayer cover for =)
your sister,
Father God, that Your Body would function as You desire it to! Unity in Spirit, Love for one another, resulting in exultation of the Christ... it was one of Your final prayers Jesus... that we would be one and that the world would know You were sent from God by our love. Abba, I pray a special blessing of protection of the hearts and minds of those who are in leadership at SEEK, that they would ever be focused on You, and that their foundations of their lives and relationships with the various groups on campus would not allow cracks of dissension, however small, to hinder the world You would do at UVA, and campuses around the world! One day... one day we will see you face-to-face... and until that day, HS, continue to burn within our hearts, minds, and spirits a deep desire to SEEK HIS FACE with all that we are and all that we have! That our lives, O LORD, would be spent for the attainment of Your MAX GLORY in their collective diversity. For to You Father, belong all the glory, honor and praise through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Between CSNRadio and ChristianCourses and my own personal "Bible College in my Bedroom" I feel like God is teaching me directly, obviously.
Psalm 32:8 "*I* will teach you in the way you should go, *I* will counsel you and *I* will watch over you"
Psalm 119:99 "I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes (law etc.)."
Thank you Lord, for enabling me to be so hungry and yet so satisfied with Your Words of Life!!!
Psalm 32:8 "*I* will teach you in the way you should go, *I* will counsel you and *I* will watch over you"
Psalm 119:99 "I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes (law etc.)."
Thank you Lord, for enabling me to be so hungry and yet so satisfied with Your Words of Life!!!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
SO MUCH!!!!!
Just needed to make a note of the ridiculous awesomeness that is my life dependent on HS.
that is all =)
that is all =)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Proverbs 31 Man
All that I desire Lord is a man that
Loves Your Word
Listens to Your Spirit
& Follows You all the days of his life.
The Proverbs 31 Man
"Who can find a man of integrity?"
For such a one is of priceless value that perpetually increases.
He walks in the fear of the Lord and observes all of His statues.
He embraces wisdom wholeheartedly and continues in the way of sound discipline.
He maintains discretion and does not depart from the path of righteousness, for he understands words of insight.
He treats his wife as he treats his own body, seeking her protection and well-being at all times.
The heart of his wife rests beneath his covering and flourishes in all fruitfulness under the outpouring of his love.
He is faithful, drinking from his own well, and is unceasingly satisfied by the wife of his youth, always loving her as a lover who loves still.
He will do her good and not evil all the days of His life.
Though he waxes strong, he exercises humility.
He diligently works to answer and supply the needs of his family and household.
His wife has no fear of the times to come, for he prudently considers the future and prepares for it.
He is kind to the needy, and his name is synonymous with a good report. His reputation precedes him; therefore, others seek his counsel and follow his example as well as instruction.
His mouth is a fountain of life to his household and to all who seek refreshing.
He walks in confidence and sound judgment, administering wise instruction to his wife and children.
He sets his house in God-ordained order.
He redeems his household and covers its inhabitants with prayer.
He considers the words of his wife, celebrates her wisdom, and crowns her as a helpmeet(suitable partner) for him.
He grants her a double portion, blesses her gifts, and boasts of her achievements.
He is clothed in love and faithfulness.
He trusts and rests secure in the help of his Redeemer.
Many men appear to be desirable at first glance, but the man who fears the Lord is to be praised, for his witness endures the test of time and scrutiny.
Give him the honor he as earned and let the work of his hands prosper and be spread abroad.
- Michelle McKinney Hammond
In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man
Loves Your Word
Listens to Your Spirit
& Follows You all the days of his life.
The Proverbs 31 Man
"Who can find a man of integrity?"
For such a one is of priceless value that perpetually increases.
He walks in the fear of the Lord and observes all of His statues.
He embraces wisdom wholeheartedly and continues in the way of sound discipline.
He maintains discretion and does not depart from the path of righteousness, for he understands words of insight.
He treats his wife as he treats his own body, seeking her protection and well-being at all times.
The heart of his wife rests beneath his covering and flourishes in all fruitfulness under the outpouring of his love.
He is faithful, drinking from his own well, and is unceasingly satisfied by the wife of his youth, always loving her as a lover who loves still.
He will do her good and not evil all the days of His life.
Though he waxes strong, he exercises humility.
He diligently works to answer and supply the needs of his family and household.
His wife has no fear of the times to come, for he prudently considers the future and prepares for it.
He is kind to the needy, and his name is synonymous with a good report. His reputation precedes him; therefore, others seek his counsel and follow his example as well as instruction.
His mouth is a fountain of life to his household and to all who seek refreshing.
He walks in confidence and sound judgment, administering wise instruction to his wife and children.
He sets his house in God-ordained order.
He redeems his household and covers its inhabitants with prayer.
He considers the words of his wife, celebrates her wisdom, and crowns her as a helpmeet(suitable partner) for him.
He grants her a double portion, blesses her gifts, and boasts of her achievements.
He is clothed in love and faithfulness.
He trusts and rests secure in the help of his Redeemer.
Many men appear to be desirable at first glance, but the man who fears the Lord is to be praised, for his witness endures the test of time and scrutiny.
Give him the honor he as earned and let the work of his hands prosper and be spread abroad.
- Michelle McKinney Hammond
In Search of the Proverbs 31 Man
hope & wait
Romans 4:20-21 "(she) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being FULLY CONVINCED that what He had promised He was also able to perform."
Romans 8:24-25 "... but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."
God-glorifying Marriage.
I will not settle for anything less.
Jesus loves me ridiculous amounts! And until being "married" will bring God more glory from my life than being "single" (preferred term, celibate servant), then I will maximize the time and focused-discipline to use all that I am and all that I have to glorify His Kingdom in my current state & season of life.
As I strive to be the best version of me He created me to be, I will study the analogies He gave me:
1. Treasure hidden in a field
2. Pearl
3. Trophy
4. Specialty Speed Bike
5. Commissioned Officer on a Battleship
I am praying for my FH... but until he is revealed, Jesus is keeping me extremely well-satisfied and provided for =D
BDW - Audience of One
Hillsong - Found
Romans 4:20-21 "(she) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being FULLY CONVINCED that what He had promised He was also able to perform."
Romans 8:24-25 "... but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."
God-glorifying Marriage.
I will not settle for anything less.
Jesus loves me ridiculous amounts! And until being "married" will bring God more glory from my life than being "single" (preferred term, celibate servant), then I will maximize the time and focused-discipline to use all that I am and all that I have to glorify His Kingdom in my current state & season of life.
As I strive to be the best version of me He created me to be, I will study the analogies He gave me:
1. Treasure hidden in a field
2. Pearl
3. Trophy
4. Specialty Speed Bike
5. Commissioned Officer on a Battleship
I am praying for my FH... but until he is revealed, Jesus is keeping me extremely well-satisfied and provided for =D
BDW - Audience of One
Hillsong - Found
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Dallas 2010
My mesaversaries are always special =)
Day 1. (6/9/10)
- Talking to people while I travel I say all started 2.2.02.
Since then, I can't not talk to people in transit... they are either drawn to me or I to them.
- Shuttle Conversation.
- Jesus Culture with suitcase.
No 247 prayer room.
- "you're awesome! and walking under an open heaven" providing God opportunity to move.
prayed for Iowa-man =)
- Spiritual Family Provision = 3 beds and AC!
Night 1. Applebee's with Trinity Church Young Adults
Day 2. (6/10/10)
-Youth Leader Conference
-Germany & Prophets
-Holy Indignation and Protective Mode Activation= brother-support
Night 2. Phase 10 and spontaneous worship and prayer
Day 3. (6/11/10)
- Read Jesus Culture, "ask and I'll give the Nations to you"
- Worship, "no props"
- leader prayer: Cassidy and Taylor
Night 3. Dinner with parents & "Love Comes Softly"
Day 4. (6/12/10)
-Vocal Technique
-lunch = "ghost" stories
-clean kitchen
Night 4. Peet's Piano Bar = dueling pianos! quite fun and interesting =)
-Pong with brother's friends
-Convo with brother... about the important things in life, and deciding if they're "worth the wait" and the importance of family (San Diego).
Day 5. (6/13/10)
Morning = "Sunday 5K" run
-Conviction to start asking people a question... which one HS?
-Prayer Log for running... people that I come across.
(Excel & eventually --> LIST to index card sizes etc and print out)
Day 1. (6/9/10)
- Talking to people while I travel I say all started 2.2.02.
Since then, I can't not talk to people in transit... they are either drawn to me or I to them.
- Shuttle Conversation.
- Jesus Culture with suitcase.
No 247 prayer room.
- "you're awesome! and walking under an open heaven" providing God opportunity to move.
prayed for Iowa-man =)
- Spiritual Family Provision = 3 beds and AC!
Night 1. Applebee's with Trinity Church Young Adults
Day 2. (6/10/10)
-Youth Leader Conference
-Germany & Prophets
-Holy Indignation and Protective Mode Activation= brother-support
Night 2. Phase 10 and spontaneous worship and prayer
Day 3. (6/11/10)
- Read Jesus Culture, "ask and I'll give the Nations to you"
- Worship, "no props"
- leader prayer: Cassidy and Taylor
Night 3. Dinner with parents & "Love Comes Softly"
Day 4. (6/12/10)
-Vocal Technique
-lunch = "ghost" stories
-clean kitchen
Night 4. Peet's Piano Bar = dueling pianos! quite fun and interesting =)
-Pong with brother's friends
-Convo with brother... about the important things in life, and deciding if they're "worth the wait" and the importance of family (San Diego).
Day 5. (6/13/10)
Morning = "Sunday 5K" run
-Conviction to start asking people a question... which one HS?
-Prayer Log for running... people that I come across.
(Excel & eventually --> LIST to index card sizes etc and print out)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
HOLY, Kim Walker-Smith LYRICS
Kim Walker-Smith
(Jesus Culture, album: CONSUMED 2009)
Just one look - on Your face
Just one glance - of Your eye
My whole world - is changed
My whole world - is changed
Oh I seek, only to see Your Face
I don't want to go anywhere
without You God, without Your Presence
Oh let me see Your Face
The beauty of Your Holiness, God
Take me into the Holy Place
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
(just one)
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(You are yes)
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(You Reign)
(yea, yeah)
We join with all of Heaven singing
Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy
Take Us In
Take Us In
Take Us In
(Ohh, Ohh, yeah)
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Purify Our Hearts
Purify Our Hearts
Purify Our Hearts God
Let the flame of Your Heart
Become the flame upon our heart tonight God
Take us in
There is
No one
Like You
You are
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(hmmm, hmmm, ye-eahh)
*worshipers worshiping... singing*
That's right, just sing out in your own words, just sing out in your own words
*HOLY chorus*
Let us be a generation
Marked with Holiness
Oh, a generation
of people who know Your Love
who know Your Holiness God
Carriers of Your Presence
Carriers of Your Presence God
A generation marked by Your Love
Generation - purified -set apart
Holy Unto You God
*thanks gb for introducing this song to me*
Kim Walker-Smith
(Jesus Culture, album: CONSUMED 2009)
Just one look - on Your face
Just one glance - of Your eye
My whole world - is changed
My whole world - is changed
Oh I seek, only to see Your Face
I don't want to go anywhere
without You God, without Your Presence
Oh let me see Your Face
The beauty of Your Holiness, God
Take me into the Holy Place
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
(just one)
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
And only one word comes to mind
There's only one word, to describe
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(You are yes)
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(You Reign)
(yea, yeah)
We join with all of Heaven singing
Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy
Take Us In
Take Us In
Take Us In
(Ohh, Ohh, yeah)
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Take us into the Holy Place
Purify Our Hearts
Purify Our Hearts
Purify Our Hearts God
Let the flame of Your Heart
Become the flame upon our heart tonight God
Take us in
There is
No one
Like You
You are
There is
No one
Like You
You are
(hmmm, hmmm, ye-eahh)
*worshipers worshiping... singing*
That's right, just sing out in your own words, just sing out in your own words
*HOLY chorus*
Let us be a generation
Marked with Holiness
Oh, a generation
of people who know Your Love
who know Your Holiness God
Carriers of Your Presence
Carriers of Your Presence God
A generation marked by Your Love
Generation - purified -set apart
Holy Unto You God
*thanks gb for introducing this song to me*
Sunday, May 2, 2010
HSI (Holy Spirit Inspired) ideas...
WOW... I'm just amazed at how HS fills pages and pages of notes with ridiculiously amazing ideas!!
I wasn't even "thinking" about them!
Rather, maybe I've always been thinking about them in the back of my head... slowly praying, and thinking, and letting the ideas play around. Visiting other churches and fellowshiping with different groups helps me to see what works for them. Each body of believers is different. We can't pretend to be something we're not, while at the same time, we need to discover who we are and just LIVE IT!
So many ideas...
I can't wait to see how they'll play out.
HS since these were from you, I know that you'll provide the right people to help support me put these into play. I know that you're not asking to me personally "do everything" but rather to be an "initiator" and "vision caster" sort of a leader.
Ephesians 4:11-12 "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
Re-reading that again, I'm reminded that just because I *can* do something, doesn't mean that you want me to do it.
As a "utility-player for the KOG" - I do what needs to be done. But I've also been learning that I have to do what He tells me to do, and that alone. That I need to be careful not to do TOO MUCH; but rather to allow space and opportunity for others to come along side me and in unity of fellowship to serve together to expand the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 12 talks about us each having unique skills and abilities. There are a lot of things I enjoy doing and am pretty good at doing too! But "everything" is not included in that list! Also, I would must rather have someone who is "super good" at something do it vs. me who is "okay" and is just doing it to get it done. What I'm learning, before needs can be met, they need to be identified and made known.
Okay. Good insights. Let's put it into practice for the Glory of God Our Father!!!
I wasn't even "thinking" about them!
Rather, maybe I've always been thinking about them in the back of my head... slowly praying, and thinking, and letting the ideas play around. Visiting other churches and fellowshiping with different groups helps me to see what works for them. Each body of believers is different. We can't pretend to be something we're not, while at the same time, we need to discover who we are and just LIVE IT!
So many ideas...
I can't wait to see how they'll play out.
HS since these were from you, I know that you'll provide the right people to help support me put these into play. I know that you're not asking to me personally "do everything" but rather to be an "initiator" and "vision caster" sort of a leader.
Ephesians 4:11-12 "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ."
Re-reading that again, I'm reminded that just because I *can* do something, doesn't mean that you want me to do it.
As a "utility-player for the KOG" - I do what needs to be done. But I've also been learning that I have to do what He tells me to do, and that alone. That I need to be careful not to do TOO MUCH; but rather to allow space and opportunity for others to come along side me and in unity of fellowship to serve together to expand the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 12 talks about us each having unique skills and abilities. There are a lot of things I enjoy doing and am pretty good at doing too! But "everything" is not included in that list! Also, I would must rather have someone who is "super good" at something do it vs. me who is "okay" and is just doing it to get it done. What I'm learning, before needs can be met, they need to be identified and made known.
Okay. Good insights. Let's put it into practice for the Glory of God Our Father!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
36 hours with Kirolos
This may have been the best, consistent 36 hours in my life to-date!!!
more details later...
more details later...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What's in a Name?
What does my name mean?
Kristina, Latin, Feminine.
variant of Christiana (F) or Christina (F), root from Christian (M)
The Biblical baby name Christian is Greek in origin and it's meaning is followers of the Christ, the anointed one.
Christian is pronounced khris-tee-an.
Christian was the name given by the Greeks or Romans to the followers of Jesus Christ. The term Christian was first used at Antioch.
Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16
Strong's concordance G5546
**many searches for name... liked the Bible-referencing site
Eph 4:1 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
Rev 3:4 "...They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy."
My Name = "Anointed" & "Follower of Christ"
May I live up to this reality of the name given to me...
Kristina, Latin, Feminine.
variant of Christiana (F) or Christina (F), root from Christian (M)
The Biblical baby name Christian is Greek in origin and it's meaning is followers of the Christ, the anointed one.
Christian is pronounced khris-tee-an.
Christian was the name given by the Greeks or Romans to the followers of Jesus Christ. The term Christian was first used at Antioch.
Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16
Strong's concordance G5546
**many searches for name... liked the Bible-referencing site
Eph 4:1 "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received."
Rev 3:4 "...They will walk with me, dressed in white, for they are worthy."
My Name = "Anointed" & "Follower of Christ"
May I live up to this reality of the name given to me...
Proverb 18 Name Reveals Character
Proverbs 18:10 "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe."
--> Acts 3:6,16, 4:10,12, Jn14:13, Phil2:9-11, Rev19:12, Pv9:10, Ex3:15, 2Sam22:2-3, Ps18:2, Ps61:3, Ps91:2, Ps144:2, Ps29:25
Name reveals attributes of one's character.
POSTER: And He Shall Be Called...
BOOK: The Names of God
YT: That's My King, Dr. S. M. Lockridge
ALSO, thinking of Biblical Examples of name changes = new life/position/role in Christ EX) Abram --> Abraham, Jacob --> Israel, Simon --> Peter, Saul --> Paul (~2Cor5:17)
Abba, as I meditate on Your Name, may the reality of who You are become more and more real to me, and may my life be lived in response to the reality of what Your Name reveals about you. Amen.
--> Acts 3:6,16, 4:10,12, Jn14:13, Phil2:9-11, Rev19:12, Pv9:10, Ex3:15, 2Sam22:2-3, Ps18:2, Ps61:3, Ps91:2, Ps144:2, Ps29:25
Name reveals attributes of one's character.
POSTER: And He Shall Be Called...
BOOK: The Names of God
YT: That's My King, Dr. S. M. Lockridge
ALSO, thinking of Biblical Examples of name changes = new life/position/role in Christ EX) Abram --> Abraham, Jacob --> Israel, Simon --> Peter, Saul --> Paul (~2Cor5:17)
Abba, as I meditate on Your Name, may the reality of who You are become more and more real to me, and may my life be lived in response to the reality of what Your Name reveals about you. Amen.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Proverbs 17 Heart & Speech Connection
Proverbs 17:3 "The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, But the LORD tests hearts."
--> Ps19:14, Jer17:10, Mt5:8, Ez36:26, Jms1:2-4, Rev3:4, Phil1:6, Rom12:1-2, Ps139:23, Ps24:4
Proverbs 17:27 "He who restrains his words has knowledge, And he who has a calm spirit is a man of understanding."
--> Pet4:8, 11, Pv17:9, Pv4:7, 1Pet3:1-4, Ps139:16, Ps119:9-11, Rom10:17, Jn4:32, 34, Pv9:10, Ps111:10, Rom4:17, Eph3:20, Rom8:28, Lk6:45, Pv25:11, Pv18:21
--> Ps19:14, Jer17:10, Mt5:8, Ez36:26, Jms1:2-4, Rev3:4, Phil1:6, Rom12:1-2, Ps139:23, Ps24:4
Proverbs 17:27 "He who restrains his words has knowledge, And he who has a calm spirit is a man of understanding."
--> Pet4:8, 11, Pv17:9, Pv4:7, 1Pet3:1-4, Ps139:16, Ps119:9-11, Rom10:17, Jn4:32, 34, Pv9:10, Ps111:10, Rom4:17, Eph3:20, Rom8:28, Lk6:45, Pv25:11, Pv18:21
got wisdom?
I've been reading Proverbs daily on-off for a while now.
Desperately seeing to gain the wisdom of God amidst the fight for time and creating space in my day for Him to speak to my heart and mind.
QUOTE on my wall:
Make time for the quiet moments, for God whispers and the world is loud.
What an appropriate day, Shabbat, to allow Him to start a "new work" in me - to stop thinking about reflecting and sharing, but to just actually DO IT!
Not only as I read these Proverbs daily... the first words I read and speak when I wake up in the morning... but as I share reflections on 1-2 verses that stick out, I hope to share what I'm learning with others.
Romans 10:17 "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Learn It.
Love It.
Live It.
"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing UNTO YOU (acceptable in your sight) O God, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
O God!! My hearts desire is this prayer alone... that my life would be an acceptable living sacrifice, before an Audience of One. Amen
Desperately seeing to gain the wisdom of God amidst the fight for time and creating space in my day for Him to speak to my heart and mind.
QUOTE on my wall:
Make time for the quiet moments, for God whispers and the world is loud.
What an appropriate day, Shabbat, to allow Him to start a "new work" in me - to stop thinking about reflecting and sharing, but to just actually DO IT!
Not only as I read these Proverbs daily... the first words I read and speak when I wake up in the morning... but as I share reflections on 1-2 verses that stick out, I hope to share what I'm learning with others.
Romans 10:17 "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
Learn It.
Love It.
Live It.
"May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing UNTO YOU (acceptable in your sight) O God, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
O God!! My hearts desire is this prayer alone... that my life would be an acceptable living sacrifice, before an Audience of One. Amen
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Joel Rosenberg @COTH
Sunday, April 11, 2010
COTH Community Groups
Fun on the stage talking with Pastor John about Community Groups... was a smidge nervous, but I think HS eclipsed it with excitement for The Word =D
Super Excited for this next season. Bible Basics or r12 (leaning more r12-ness during the summer or individual free time? or fall? dunno)
Therefore, Bible Basics... so much to say! HS plan the curriculum-outline and tell me what you want me to say, okay?! =P
Super Excited for this next season. Bible Basics or r12 (leaning more r12-ness during the summer or individual free time? or fall? dunno)
Therefore, Bible Basics... so much to say! HS plan the curriculum-outline and tell me what you want me to say, okay?! =P
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Seder 2010 #1
Loved it.
I am so thankful for my Spiritual Family... God has truly been faithful to fulfill
Mark 10:29-30
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
As one of my wise friends said, God may have 1/2ed your worldly income, but He's more than quadruppled your spiritual income!
And aren't heavenly treasures worth their cost??
I am so thankful for my Spiritual Family... God has truly been faithful to fulfill
Mark 10:29-30
"I tell you the truth," Jesus replied, "no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life."
As one of my wise friends said, God may have 1/2ed your worldly income, but He's more than quadruppled your spiritual income!
And aren't heavenly treasures worth their cost??
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ending the Day with Him
(0030A)SO... it's been on my heart and mind for a while to "END THE DAY" just as strong, or stronger than I begin it. I'm solid with waking up early, and founding my day on Him -- it's the desire that "I want to sign your Name at the end of each day, knowing that my heart was true" (Casting Crowns, Lifesong).
(0445) HA - at least I started to type this time vs. just thinking about it! Teach me Lord, show me how! This has been something you've been reminding me of since college.
Continue to refine me. Perfect me in Your Eyes under Your Hand that lovingly molds me into the image of Your Son. Abba -- "my soul cries out" and will be satisfied with nothing less!!!
1. Push/Sit Set = with Words to cadence of "That's My King!"
2. Wash Face
3. Brush Teeth
4. Pick Out Clothes for tomorrow
5. BLOG favorite insight from the day (it may be more difficult, long or short, but sharing SOMETHING)
6. Push/Sit Set = Prayer for VOM & Unreached People Groups (Joshua Venture)
7. Journal Out the end of the day with You
24 by 24 HS. Help me to be faithful as you are!
MORAVIAN "Daily Text" DEVO from "today" 3/29
Monday, March 29
Psalm 40:1-8
Exodus 32:30-33:23; Matthew 26:47-58
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures
throughout all generations. Psalm 145:13
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Merciful One, we are thankful that you do not seek lives of perfection,
but lives of faithfulness. Even when we stray, your love for us is
steadfast. May we be faithful to you, O God, because you are always
faithful to us! Amen.
(0445) HA - at least I started to type this time vs. just thinking about it! Teach me Lord, show me how! This has been something you've been reminding me of since college.
Continue to refine me. Perfect me in Your Eyes under Your Hand that lovingly molds me into the image of Your Son. Abba -- "my soul cries out" and will be satisfied with nothing less!!!
1. Push/Sit Set = with Words to cadence of "That's My King!"
2. Wash Face
3. Brush Teeth
4. Pick Out Clothes for tomorrow
5. BLOG favorite insight from the day (it may be more difficult, long or short, but sharing SOMETHING)
6. Push/Sit Set = Prayer for VOM & Unreached People Groups (Joshua Venture)
7. Journal Out the end of the day with You
24 by 24 HS. Help me to be faithful as you are!
MORAVIAN "Daily Text" DEVO from "today" 3/29
Monday, March 29
Psalm 40:1-8
Exodus 32:30-33:23; Matthew 26:47-58
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures
throughout all generations. Psalm 145:13
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Merciful One, we are thankful that you do not seek lives of perfection,
but lives of faithfulness. Even when we stray, your love for us is
steadfast. May we be faithful to you, O God, because you are always
faithful to us! Amen.
Monday, March 8, 2010
"By Their Fruit..."
People notice.
John 15:8 "This is to My Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My Disciples."
John 15:8 "This is to My Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be My Disciples."
Sunday, March 7, 2010
OH GOD!!! What do you have in store for me?! I know it'll be amazing... and I'm just burning with excitement and anticipation.
Israel OR India
HS, I know you'll make it clear, you always do =)
Israel OR India
HS, I know you'll make it clear, you always do =)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Authentic Community
The Acts 2 Church.
John 17 Unity.
"How good and pleasant it is when we dwell together in unity"
Psalm 133:1
Teach me.
Use me.
Shine in & through me.
Question I posed 2/23/10 @5AM
"What is it about Authentic Community that draws me to take off my mask?? Almost REQUIRING spiritual/emotional nakedness but at great personal cost of pride & humility..."
Current Heart Condition 3/4/10 @9PM
"If my being transparent can help others be transparent - then LORD GOD make me clear!!!"
HS said it through me
QUESTION: How would you define Authentic Community?
How would you go about living in it??
John 17 Unity.
"How good and pleasant it is when we dwell together in unity"
Psalm 133:1
Teach me.
Use me.
Shine in & through me.
Question I posed 2/23/10 @5AM
"What is it about Authentic Community that draws me to take off my mask?? Almost REQUIRING spiritual/emotional nakedness but at great personal cost of pride & humility..."
Current Heart Condition 3/4/10 @9PM
"If my being transparent can help others be transparent - then LORD GOD make me clear!!!"
HS said it through me
QUESTION: How would you define Authentic Community?
How would you go about living in it??
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
So I was convicted last week that I should start blogging again... not so much out of necessity, but more for synthesization.
So much has happened since I let go of the "idea" of a relationship... that I was trying to force to make happen, or hold onto too long when God was repeatedly telling me to let go. And as soon as I did, it's like the floodgated just flung open!!!
God speaks to me in seasons, and HS & I like to come up with names for them. Last year was P9 = Preparation 2009: To be as prepared as possible for WHAT-EVER God has in store. I felt like He helped me start to seriously order my life and prioritize things of importance/significance: relationship with Him and others, job, education, friendships, family, lifestyle change: exercise & healthy eating. YAY!
I know it would probably be more helpful if I knew exactly "WHAT" I was being prepared for, but hey... This year's motto is "MG10."
MG10 = MAX Glory 2010: All For You & For Your Glory
THEME SONG = Tim Hughes, Living For Your Glory
That all that I am and all that I have is for Him and for His Glory... for the Kingdom Expansion! I am humbled and awed.
What exactly to share here, I do not know. I suppose as often as HS leads I'll post, but I wonder if this would be a good space to synthsize and just share ideas??
Dunno... but I'm 7! (Spiritual Anny 2/3/03)
And I'm more excited than ever for what God has in store... welcome to the journey!!!
So much has happened since I let go of the "idea" of a relationship... that I was trying to force to make happen, or hold onto too long when God was repeatedly telling me to let go. And as soon as I did, it's like the floodgated just flung open!!!
God speaks to me in seasons, and HS & I like to come up with names for them. Last year was P9 = Preparation 2009: To be as prepared as possible for WHAT-EVER God has in store. I felt like He helped me start to seriously order my life and prioritize things of importance/significance: relationship with Him and others, job, education, friendships, family, lifestyle change: exercise & healthy eating. YAY!
I know it would probably be more helpful if I knew exactly "WHAT" I was being prepared for, but hey... This year's motto is "MG10."
MG10 = MAX Glory 2010: All For You & For Your Glory
THEME SONG = Tim Hughes, Living For Your Glory
That all that I am and all that I have is for Him and for His Glory... for the Kingdom Expansion! I am humbled and awed.
What exactly to share here, I do not know. I suppose as often as HS leads I'll post, but I wonder if this would be a good space to synthsize and just share ideas??
Dunno... but I'm 7! (Spiritual Anny 2/3/03)
And I'm more excited than ever for what God has in store... welcome to the journey!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Efficient Sleep
Good Morning Sunshine!!!!
So, how was it!? Just praying you enjoyed some "sweet sleep" last night! And hope that you do all this week & all the time! Also, I was serious about telling God when you want to wake up, HS is much more reliable than my alarm clock! All you need to do is ask for His help.
I know it seems kind of foreign of a thing to ask for, "efficient" sleep, yet it's totally Bible!
And as I strive to have all my actions & attitudes have Biblical-basis, why should sleep be any different -- as it's all for His Glory right??
The reason I think it's okay to ask for this is mainly Psalm 127:2
NIV= In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat--for he grants sleep to those he loves.
NLT= It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.
NASB= It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.
Some others you may want to cf with:
Proverbs 3:24
Psalm 121:4
Ecclesiastes 5:12
I mean, He said He would "give us rest" (Matt 11:28)... not necessarily a minimum of 6-8 hours ;)
Besides, there's so much to do with Him and to talk to Him about now... I don't see why I can't just catch up on sleep when I get to Heaven!
((Honestly, I'm looking very much forward to my naps in Heaven!))
Just wanted to share :)
So, how was it!? Just praying you enjoyed some "sweet sleep" last night! And hope that you do all this week & all the time! Also, I was serious about telling God when you want to wake up, HS is much more reliable than my alarm clock! All you need to do is ask for His help.
I know it seems kind of foreign of a thing to ask for, "efficient" sleep, yet it's totally Bible!
And as I strive to have all my actions & attitudes have Biblical-basis, why should sleep be any different -- as it's all for His Glory right??
The reason I think it's okay to ask for this is mainly Psalm 127:2
NIV= In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat--for he grants sleep to those he loves.
NLT= It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.
NASB= It is vain for you to rise up early, To retire late, To eat the bread of painful labors; For He gives to His beloved even in his sleep.
Some others you may want to cf with:
Proverbs 3:24
Psalm 121:4
Ecclesiastes 5:12
I mean, He said He would "give us rest" (Matt 11:28)... not necessarily a minimum of 6-8 hours ;)
Besides, there's so much to do with Him and to talk to Him about now... I don't see why I can't just catch up on sleep when I get to Heaven!
((Honestly, I'm looking very much forward to my naps in Heaven!))
Just wanted to share :)
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