Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Uncle Joel

I love how Uncles have a unique role in our lives.

They're that older male figure that we can share our hearts with and ask questions to. They spend time with us and listen - when we may feel uncomfortable to go directly to Dad. And sometimes, they're just there to be another sounding wall/confirmation of what we already knew we should do (and is usually spot on with what Dad either 1. did tell us already or 2. would have told us if we asked him - which makes sense because they're related).

Uncle Joel is full of ssooo much wisdom! I'm glad when we get to spend time together... despite it being maybe not as much as I'd want from time to time. One of my favorite things about him is that when we're together, it's as if we were never apart. Like, we pick up our conversation right where we left of and just get all caught up to where we are right now! He's a great mentor and friend.

"I foresaw this eventuality"

God, thank You for my family, and for the relationships and connections we have. I pray that You would continue to be glorified through our interactions, and help us to learn from one another and let what we learn be used to help and teach and encourage others! Because we are all "HERE" to be used for YOUR GLORY!!!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

12 weeks

Today, 10/9/10, is my Spiritual Mesaversary.

It has been 7 years and 8 months since I made the decision to follow Jesus Christ with all that I am.

Every month, in celebrating this important date, something is given to me. God somehow spiritually downloads an insight, brings clarity on a long awaited issue or actually gives a material gift.

This month, it's a paradigm shift.

"TEMPLE TIME" has been the code that I've used for my working out. Because I don't want to get caught up in dieting or working out for vain reasons, but more want to make the healthy shift to a "positive lifestyle change". But personally, even that is a little vague for me. I work well with goals and deadlines and expectations clearly identified and articulated.

Stephen Covey's "Begin with the end in mind" has been a guiding mantra since I read it back when I started NROTC in 2003. Spiritualizing the concept makes it even more true I think! SINCE (not if) I'm going to Heaven when I die (whenever that is) and I will see Jesus face to face... how must I live my life now to ensure He recieves maximum glory from my time here on earth??

This is my question, and I pray that my life will answer it well.

There are so many things out of my control in this particular season of my life. I've resigned to not "Worry, Fear or Rush" but rather "Believe, Trust and Wait". In doing these things, I will be focusing on my own "plank" and no one else.

I will be following a strict 12-week program designed to get me in max military shape. Although I'm seriously tempted at times to go back to OCS... I don't think that's where God is calling me. HOWEVER, I can't remember when I had my life in more order than when I was training with the Navy... so I will start that again.

The program can be found here if you'd like to follow along, or keep me accountable.
***Oh gosh... even just writing that sentence and posting the link I feel more responsible and more likely that I'll actually DO it, now that I'd shared it with the WORLD!!!

ASIDE: "Get the PLANK outta here!" is a funny slogan I keep hearing in my head, IDK why, but I'm going to just write it down so I don't forget.

ALSO, I should digitize my journey.
This will be good to keep me accountable and record the + and the - along the way.
ALSO, ALSO, doing it online vs. in my journal will be interesting.

Daddyism "Never forget that we are triune beings."

Incoperating this into the goals...
1- Professional = lesson plans, Gradelink, TYPED everything
2- Professional = Organize in 5" binders: Sci 8, 7, 6 and ALG, preALG and GEOM (ALEKS)
3- Professional Sharing = Tutoring, Mentoring, Inventory Lab & share with the Elementary.
4- Personal Growth = MERIT Mondays (reading 2 articles per week)
5- Graduate School Prep = schools, programs, GRE/CBEST

1- 3 month gift (5ch/3xday)
2- Proverbs (daily)
3- MU (daily)
4- Psalm 119 (daily)
5- 1 Peter (1 verse/week)

1- Morning Push-up to That's My King
2- @WORK: Every 3 hours 10-25-10 & 3P Walk the Hill
3- FIT CAMP M-F, 12 weeks = 60 sessions, GOAL = 100% attendance unless out of town (only Christmas Break)
4- Nightly Prayer Walk & Talk, around @10P
YES = Fruits, Veg, Rice, some wheat, nuts, water
NO = sweets, soda

Hebrews 12:11
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."

1 Corinthians 9:24-27
"Run in such a way to get the prize"
"Everyone who competes goes into strict training"
"I beat my body and make it my slave"

1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

TOMORROW it starts.
The 12-week intensive to jump start a "lifestyle" of premium personal performance for the MAXIMUM GLORY of GOD, My Father.
Week #1, Day #1 = 10/10/10

Today... I'm going to prepare. Go for a run, visit the grocery store, and clean my house. I want everything to be in order today, so that there are no excuses.

GOD, this is for you. It's always been for You.
HS, you have to be my internal motivation. Purify my thoughts and actions, and help me to focus on my "TEMPLE TIME" to make me fit (mentally, physically & spiritually) for whatever you have for the rest of this year, and to start off 2011 "good to go" wherever we're going =)
*SONG* ALL FOR YOU AND FOR YOUR GLORY, Take my life and let it be Yours
