Tuesday, November 27, 2007

i am but an empty vase

The image I had in my head...

So many Biblical Inferences/Parallels!

Glass = transparency of our Christian Lifestyle
Fragil = temoporary existance here on Earth
Empty = we come with nothing to offer GOD, and yet He takes us, washes us, and fills us with Himself and so much more! Eph 3:20
Water Filled = HS inference "living water"
Place of Prominence = displayed for all to see, focal point, comments made about Matt 5:16

Thanks for the picture LORD, it's going on the cover of my Journal =)

What was I BORN to do?

Lots of thoughts have been going through my head recently, since I've had 10 weeks of unemployment and soul-searching trying to imaging what I should do with my life.

One speaker from the SJ Benny Hinn Conference, Mike Murdock, made a few comments in his sermon but also in his books that I've been reading reguarding our goal, purpose, "ASSIGNMENT" in life that are really causing me to seek and search to find my place. I'm very selective in who I listen to and what I glean from them to apply to me -- the BIBLE is the firm standard, and how they compare to it is the final authority in my life.

ANY-HOW, two thinks from MMurd
1. Your Assignment should become Your Passion, and Your Passion should consume you and become Your Obession.
2. Assignment = there was a problem that GOD saw on Earth, and He Himself personal formed "YOU" (ME) with the gifts, talents, abilities, family situation, background, life experiences, etc so that I could solve the problem.

Just to even think about these things interests and awes me.

I mean, I believe GOD made me... but to delve deeper and to say "O.K. GOD, WHY did you make me?!" (the way you did, when you did, where you did - and where you want me etc.)

Bottom Line: It's not about me.

Gal 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of Man who loved me and gave Himself for me."

SO MUCH in that one verse, and it's been a favorite and memory verse of mine for a while... that's what I love about the WORD, there's so much to it! New insights and points to be discovered every time in every situation, different revelation and understanding to be had!!!

A-H-H!!! I love the WORD of GOD!!!

I don't know if I can articulate any more that I'm thinking at the moment.

I'm reading The Seven Laws of the Learner: How to Teach Almost Anything to Practically Anyone! Just chapter one, and already I've cried, laughed, thought deeply, searched my Bible, and cried "happy tears" some more!!!

Oh LORD, that I would be but an empty vessle for you to fill anew every minuet of every day...

IMAGE: Clear, Empty, Vase.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CURRENT heart song

Brandon Heath - I'm Not Who I Was Lyrics
WEBSITE: Don't Get Comfortable

I wish you could see me now,
I wish I could show you how -
I'm not who I was.
I used to be mad at you,
A little on the hurt side too -
But I'm not who I was.

I found my way around,
To forgiving you -
Some time ago,
But I never got to tell you so.
I found us in a photograph,
I saw me and I had to laugh -
You know, I'm not who I was.
You were there, you were right above me,
And I wonder if you ever loved me -
Just for who I was.

When the pain came back again,
Like a bitter friend,
It was all that I could do -
To keep myself from blaming you.

I reckon it's a funny thing,
I figured out I can sing -
Now I'm not who I was.
I write about love and such,
Maybe 'cause I want it so much -
I'm not who I was.

I was thinking maybe I -
I should let you know -
I am not the same,
But I never did forget your name.

Well the thing I find most amazing -
In amazing grace -
Is the chance to give it out,
Maybe that's what love is all about.

I wish you could see me now,
I wish I could show you how -
I'm not who I was.

Up in the Night

I'm just wondering what I'm supposed to be doing when GOD wakes me up in the middle of the night.

In the past, when I've tried to go back to sleep and I wasn't able to, I started asking Him what He wanted me to do/pray for/look up online etc. It's funny, that I haven't been as devout in my journaling as before, yet GOD is still getting the "us" time He so desires by having me pray walk on my iPod or encouraging me to write this blog - online - since I can type faster than I can print, AND because He's been trying to get me to share what He's doing in my life, and I'm just now getting comfortable with the idea ((sorry for the delay, I will work on the "up til now" fill in history soon - as lots of crazy cool stuff has led me to where I am now)).

I'm in this real period of "TRANSITION" and feeling that there's going to be a whole new dimension to my GOD-Time A_F_T_E_R this takes place, however, I'm not really sure how to prepare for it or when exactly it will be going down!

Thus, I am where I am. I have way too many books that haven't been read -- could this new job be an opportunity to spend time reading while "in transit"? Something I just thought about right now! Awesome =)

Anyhow, I have facebook if you want to look me up there. Otherwise, I hope that what I share about how GOD is moving in my life will be enough motivation to stay tuned AND OR, EVEN BETTER to start allowing yourselves to be transformed by the power of His Holy Spirit to move and work in your lives in ways FAR GREATER than you could ever Eph 3:20.

Posing Question: How do you go about "being" the Bible??

What I have so far:
1. Read It - Have to know what the BIBLE says before you can do what it commands. Also, you're view of what the Word "is" has a huge impact of how serious you'll take it's contents.
NOTE: ever heard of B.iblical I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth?

2. Love It - can't just do it out of blind obedience or because you're forced, but I think GOD really "wants you to want Him" as that old 80's or 90's song goes (don't know artist, do you?)
God IS Love, and wants us to be "in Him" as He is "in us" -- perfect oneness and unity and love.

3. Be It/Live It
If not clearly stated before, I'm currently focusing on the third step -- wanting GOD to have complete control of my life, while at the same time, surrendering all that I am so that He can use me to His Fullest Capacity (HFC), nice HS! ((btw, HS is my code name for GOD's Precious Holy Spirit, I like it as an intimate term of enderement))

That's all I've got for now. I like leaving GOD with questions, it helps me to think how He might answer them and gives me a sense of anticipation and motivation to listen hard for what He'll say, through whatever means He'll use to say it -- if you don't know already, GOD can talk through anyone/anything/anytime!!! Personally I've recently experienced, even secular TV shows, to my shame, when He told me I shouldn't be watching them and should be alone praying with Him... it's a shocking motivator to get be back on track!

"that we would share in His Holiness" my heart's desire LORD, teach me to walk in your ways.