Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A rocky road

Not the ice cream (that I don't like, and can't have now anyway), but I feel like I've just been through a patch of a rocky, brush-filled path. Just getting through... just navigating through the storms, trials, temptations, and struggles. I've been stretched, overwhelmed, overloaded, sleep-lacked, and pushed hard... and yet through it all, I look back and see that God has brought glory to Himself, IN SPITE of my preparation or lack there of!

I think it's important to remember, that this path that we walk isn't always "straight and sunny" but that the dark patches, and the overcastness and the storms and pot-holes are also apart of this life. He said we'd never be alone, He said He'd be by our side, and He also said, "In this world *YOU WILL HAVE TROUBLE*"... if He stopped there, I'd be like, thanks Jesus for stating the obvious. But He didn't. The Bible continues... "BUT TAKE HEART! I have overcome this world." (John 16:33)

SO... for me not to be discouraged or saddened by these rocky patches of the road -- that I think are triggered sometimes by the gloomy weather (but that's another story) -- but rather, that I should be excited that He already knew #1. they would happen and #2. that He has a plan for me to learn-teach-share something through this season/set time as well.

*deep breath*
How amazing He is that He works ALL THINGS together for my good!!!