Friday, August 8, 2008

It's been a while...

Wow... I almost forgot about this site! I journal in regularly, but HS has been reminding me that I need to be posting some of the insights that I'm learning: putting them out there for others to learn from =)

But what can I say?

LOVE Church on the Hill and all that God has going on here... and I'm so happy that I get to play apart! It's awesome, because I'm finally starting to feel like I'm becoming apart of the team - it's pretty cool.

Anyhow, just finished the LEAD Summit and it was A-MAZING! I was the "Church Liaison" which was more work for prep/pre-event than actually the day of... I love leadership.

I'm thankful that God continues to inspire us to be the leaders He's called us to be.

I'm going to journal about some of that now... hasta.

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