Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Jay's Message on Kevoding (8/3/08) was the best single sermon I've heard since I've been here -- "best" to me meaning that I learned lots and it hit me specifically where I was.

Sunday's Sermon, with the Living Scereny, Drama and Scott's Message (8/17/08) was the best ALL-AROUND-WORSHIP-EXPERIENCE I've had since I've been here at COTH. Check out the website, podcast the message... I bought the DVD and am sending it to family and friends in San Diego, Los Angeles and Charlottesville, Virginia -- it was THAT good!

LORD, I pray that every Sunday we will seek to glorify You and magnify Your Name in all that we do- whether audio, drama, ushering or the message itself. That we can live our lives in such a way that others will get a clearer picture of who YOU are.

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